Sara Carbonero mourns the death of Caritina Goyanes and recalls her “most special” anecdote: “It makes my heart sink”

Caritina Goyanes’ entourage is haunted by immense painThe daughter of Cari Lapique and Carlos Goyanes passed away this Monday due to a heart attack just 20 days after saying goodbye to her father and hours after her uncle Tito died. She was only 47 years old, and her passing has taken her loved ones by surprise, who are now supporting each other and mourning this loss, whether at the funeral home in Malaga or on social media. An example of this is Sara Carbonero’s latest post.

The 40-year-old journalist has published a text remembering the businesswoman, whom she is very fond of. “I met Caritina because we shared several moments together. The most special one, which I will never forget, was the baptism of my son Martín, where she was in charge of making sure everything turned out perfectly, with so much care and detail…”, she added.

The communicator regrets that Caritina has left so soon. “The news of her departure, so young, loving, a mother, a great professional. So young… My heart breaks. There are no words of comfort. All my encouragement and love to his family. Rest in peace.”she said. These words come just days after announcing the death of one of her best friends. “We will never, ever forget you. It will be very difficult to live without you. How fucking painful! How unfair,” she wrote from Senegal on her social networks.

Caritina’s death continues to cause consternation – proof of this is the suffering of Lolita Flores in the middle of a live television broadcast, as she learned of the news in TardeAR-. There are many faces who are angry about what happened, although none of them suffer like Cari Lapique. Caritina’s mother learned of the death of her eldest daughter in Mallorcawhere she had moved after being widowed to live her mourning in peace with her sister, who was also widowed by Alfonso Cortina.

Both took the first plane to arrive as soon as possible at the San Pedro de Alcántara funeral home, where the funeral service for Caritina’s soul took place at 11:00 p.m. The unusual time was requested by the widower, Antonio Matos, who wanted to wait for his mother-in-law’s arrival to begin the farewell. According to Beatriz Cortázar, the businessman expressed his desire that she be the one to decide how and when to say goodbye to her daughter.

The businesswoman, who was at home, began to feel ill at midday. Her condition worsened and her husband decided to rush her to the nearest hospital, but the emergency services could do nothing to save her life. She had suffered a heart attack and no longer had a pulse. Cari leaves behind two children: Pedro, aged 13, and Mini Cari, aged 10. The pain of her family and friends is immeasurable. They remember her as a very hard-working, happy, loving and very religious woman. She was very close to her sister Carla, who arrived at the funeral home accompanied by her husband, Jorge Benguría, and tearfully hugged her brother-in-law, Antonio, now Cari’s widower.
