Five new arrests and a huge mistake

New scare in Antwerp over security Princess Amalia of the Netherlandsthreatened for years by the mafia. A few days ago, the heiress’s escort notified the national police after suspecting that a vehicle in which five young people were travelling was following the daughter of the Kings William and MaximaThe vehicle and its occupants were detained at gunpoint and taken to the cell, where they were interrogated. It turned out to be a false alarm: it was a famous Dutch DJ and presenter, Serginio Piqué, who was planning to spend a weekend with friends.

The shock was stratospheric for the kids and their lawyer has already requested financial compensation from the Royal Family for the blunder: “My client and his friends would greatly appreciate some recognition or generous reparation from the royal family. After all, it was their security services who alerted the Belgians.”.

The princess’s escape

The scare was just an anecdote that highlights the tremendous concern that exists at this time for the safety and integrity of the heiress, who left her country a year ago after it was discovered that she was the target of a dangerous mafia that intended to kidnap her. At that time, Máxima and Guillermo asked their Spanish counterparts for help, Felipe and Letiziawho welcomed the princess to the capital: “Last year, circumstances forced her to reside in Madrid. And from there she was able to continue her studies at the University of Amsterdam. All of this was possible thanks to the affectionate dedication of a large number of her fellow citizens and Their Majesties. It was a moving proof of friendship in a difficult period. I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to Their Majesties,” revealed the Dutch monarch on his last state visit to Spain.

With the leader of the Mocro Maffia gang, Karim Bouyakhrichan, arrested, the family was able to breathe easy again and the heiress resumed her life in her country. However, the escape of the criminal last April put the Dutch Royal Family in jeopardy again. Bouyakhrichan, who was in preventive detention in Malaga, managed to escape after being released on bail with precautionary measures such as the withdrawal of his passport, the obligation to appear in court every 15 days and pay a bail of 50,000 euros. The Central Court No. 2 of the National Court issued a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) to determine his whereabouts.

Second episode in a month

This is the second ‘scare’ for the Dutch Royal Family this August, as on the 9th the police received a warning from Amalia’s escort about the presence of two known drug dealers in the vicinity of her bachelorette apartment. “The police wanted the two men to leave the building with them, but they refused. The situation became a little awkward, with a tense altercation and struggle between the men and the police,” a witness told the German newspaper. Colorful.
