“Letting go of someone you love always hurts”

Bad news for Fabiola MartínezThe Venezuelan, who in recent months has been affected by the controversies of her ex Bertín Osborne, is once again in the spotlight. This time, the model has shared on her social networks the death of a very close relative.

As reflected in the message that Fabiola herself has written on her networks, it is about the loss of her grandmother Ada.Saying goodbye… letting go… letting go of what you love and who you love always hurts. Goodbye Grandma Ada“, the model wrote on her Instagram profile. Through these words, the great bond that existed between the two can be seen.

In just a few minutes, the news has generated a wave of condolences and support on social media.A hug, grandmothers should be eternal” o “An angel watches over you from heaven“, some users say.

The loss of her grandmother not only leaves Fabiola devastated. It also Female y Carlos (the two children that Fabiola has in common with Bertín Osborne) are facing a difficult time.
