Norma Duval, devastated on her arrival at the funeral home after the death of her 36-year-old nephew

Norma Duval He is going through a tragic moment after the death of his nephew Juan Carlos36 years old, son of her sister Carla and businessman Rafael Rojas. This loss comes almost 14 years after the death of Carla, who passed away in 2010 due to cancer. Since then, Norma has taken care of her twin nieces and supported Juan Carlos, who had recently become a father.

This Saturday, two days after the death of her nephew, the former showgirl arrived visibly affected at the funeral home in La Paz, where she went with her family to say a final goodbye to Juan Carlos.

Norma arrived dressed in strict mourning and wearing sunglasses to hide her sadness. The actress also arrived holding her cousin’s hand. Soniaand followed by her brother AlbinoThe family, very united in this painful moment, has expressed their desolation at the tragic loss.

Paula Paredesthe younger sister of the deceased and niece of the presenter, was one of the first to arrive at the funeral home. The young influencer could not hold back her tears as she entered accompanied by a friend. Likewise, Marc, Yelko and Christian (Juan Carlos’ cousins) also arrived devastated by the loss.It’s not a good morning“, Marc expressed with deep sadness upon arriving at the funeral home.

The deceased had become a father just two months ago. At the beginning of the summer, his aunt was excited about her grandnephew and had expressed her intention to act as grandmother to the baby who would have been her sister’s first grandchild. Juan Carlos Rojas was the eldest son of the late Carla Duval.
