Isabel Pantoja celebrates her birthday in Castellón

The singer has made another trip around the sun and now makes it 68. Isabel Pantoja has celebrated her birthday in Castellón, where she reappears this Saturday after a medical leave that forced her to cancel several of her concerts. The party, very discreet, took place this Thursday in the suite of the hotel she occupies. Two of her closest friends went there, along with her brother Agustintasted the best cuisine in the area: fresh seafood and paella.

The dinner, served by a well-known local establishment, did not last beyond midnight and according to TardeAR No one sang Happy Birthday. In addition, Pantoja had told her guests that she did not want cakes or gifts and they complied with her wish. However, on Friday morning two large bouquets of white roses (the singer’s favorite) arrived at the hotel and a very special surprise: her niece, Anabel PantojaThe young woman, who is almost six months pregnant, wanted to accompany her aunt, whom she congratulated on social media by showing a video that has generated some controversy.

These are some images in which we can see how Isabel Pantoja discovers that her niece is pregnant, a very emotional moment in which the singer breaks down in tears and hugs Anabel while her uncle Agustín exclaims “How artistic!”. Considering that the singer has not spoken to her children for more than a year, many users on social networks have described these images as “cruel”. In fact, Isa Pi herself has said: “It hurts me and makes me envious.”

Reappears in Castellón

The ex of Julián Muñoz, who has hired a group of investors to clean up her accounts, has hung the ‘No tickets’ sign at the Real Club Náutico de Castelló, where this Saturday she performs in front of 8,000 people. This is her comeback after announcing on July 10 that she was cancelling her performances due to medical prescriptions. Isabel Pantoja has been suffering from a very serious health problem for years that has become more evident in recent weeks, in which the team of experts who treat her imposed absolute rest.
