“I’m not here because of connections”

Arianna Aragon She is surrounded by artists everywhere. She is the daughter of The Aragon Families and therefore, granddaughter of the legendary Fofóone of ‘The clowns on TV’But if the fact of belonging to one of the most important sagas of television was not enough, Arianna is also the stepdaughter of Carlos Soberabecause her mother has been in a relationship with the presenter for years First Dates. Now, in addition, they will work together, because Arianna debuts as a waitress in First Dates Hotelthe summer version of this format that Telecinco premieres tonight at 10:50 p.m.

What has it meant to you to work at First Dates Hotel?

It has been one of the best experiences I have ever had. We have all really enjoyed this programme and the stories we have experienced. It has also helped me learn a lot. I was very nervous when I arrived but I have grown a lot on a professional level, from a technical point of view, and it has also taught me how to improvise.

You are in charge of dealing with the diners, anonymous people who you don’t know where they will come from…

That was my fear, I didn’t want to be left blank. But in the end they are normal conversations with normal people and it’s as simple as empathizing with them. I’ve learned and I’ve had fun.

Do you ever forget about the cameras?

Absolutely, there are many but you don’t see them because you are focused on the diners.

What has it meant to you to work with Sobera?

It’s incredible, because even though I already know him, we’re colleagues at work. I learn a lot from him because he’s very generous and has great talent. I wish I could be like him. He knows how to improvise very well.

What is the best advice anyone has given you?

He never gets involved in my work. He is always very focused on my studying. But at home he has never said anything to me about work, only that I should enjoy it.

Don’t you ask Him for advice to guide you when you have a professional proposal?

He just tells me to stay calm and do what I feel. And it’s true that the best thing is to do things and enjoy them.

Is it a burden to come from a family of artists like the Aragóns?

I am very fortunate to belong to the family I belong to, although I have not met my grandfather, but everything they were touches me and it is wonderful. But there is some apprehension, because sometimes I think that people can expect something specific from me. My family has also helped me learn and enjoy. I suppose I have something inside, I don’t know.

It’s a very dear family…

Yes, everything comes through the people and it impresses me a lot.

Where do you want to focus professionally?

My goal is interpretation. With First Dates I had a moment of crisis, but people recommended that I do it because you have to work on many things to gain experience and everything counts. I will do everything that gives me something.

Have your colleagues at First Dates Hotel given you any advice?

Lidia [Torrent] Yes. I thought they were going to call me a pushover and I talked to Lidia about it because I was very scared. People don’t know that I went through the same selection process as everyone else, I don’t have it any easier than other people. I’ve been turned down in many castings.

Were you afraid of being accused of being on the show because of influence?

Yes, it is the easy attack, but I have done the same process as everyone else. What’s more, last year, when they renewed the contract, staff of the program, I did the casting and they didn’t hire me.
