María Patiño makes Belén Esteban cry with an epic scolding: “Your faces make me sick”

They had a tremendous confrontation this Monday Maria Patino y Bethlehem Esteban in It’s not like we’re Shhh. The reason? The information about the alleged lover of David Rodriguezboyfriend of Anabel PantojaThe Paracuellos native, who is close to the niece, has questioned the information on the programme and the presenter has stood up for her team with the intensity that characterises her: “If you question, either give arguments or don’t throw them away, because if you don’t give arguments, I will.”

“I find questioning faces very annoying. Those ‘no, no, no’ faces while Javier de Hoyos is speaking really piss me off. You have two options: either keep quiet or speak up.”Patiño said. “Don’t be mistaken, María, I’m not questioning anyone. I’m not going to give arguments, I’m keeping quiet,” said Belén, very affected.

The princess of the people took refuge behind her mobile phone and moved her leg visibly nervously while the director, David Valldeperas, stood up for her: “I don’t think she is questioning Javi’s information, what she is trying to explain is that there is an intention for that information to reach us. Is that so, Belén?” he asked. She responded sharply and with tears in her eyes: “I have nothing to talk about, Valde. Don’t let the camera focus on me because I’m going to try not to shed a tear, okay?”he said after an awkward silence. “I’m not going to talk. Since you know everything, you talk.”

María has assured that she was defending the programme, a statement that has upset Belén: “Is it that I don’t defend my programme?” she said incredulously. “The only thing I’m saying is that there is a guilty party here but this girl says that a friend betrayed her and it’s a lie. I’m not saying this to take the blame off David, but this girl and her friend are calling Amor Romeira,” she concluded.
