Cristina Pedroche breaks down in tears and reflects on her depression: “It shakes me up”

When Cristina Pedroche gave birth to Laia, her world fell apart, because despite knowing that she was entering one of the most special moments of her life, an accumulation of fears haunted her. Last June she published her first book, Thanks to fearwhere she talks about her postpartum depression, an illness that she has not yet overcome and about which she spoke this Monday, with tears in her eyes, in her Instagram stories.

“I left the girl with the grandparents and suddenly everything moves again because I suppose the postpartum will be like this“They told me that I would see the light within a year and yes, I am much better but suddenly I get down and start crying again. It’s just that a lot of things come to mind, I’ve had a lot of fears,” explained Dabiz Muñoz’s wife.

It was then that the collaborator of Zapping He has burst into tears. He is optimistic about his recovery, although he knows that it is a slow process. “Obviously I am much better, I have overcome many fears but I have others that remain stuck there. and every so often they stir a lot in me,” he said.

“I get into loops of grief, into loops of intrusive thoughts… I’m sharing this so that if anyone is going through a bad time, they know that recovery is not a straight line, and that’s it, you also take steps backwards. But you are not alone,” she concluded, assuring that she is aware that her stories will probably become the subject of criticism.

In fact, A few days ago, both she and Dabiz Muñoz received a barrage of reproaches for the birthday cake they prepared. for the little girl’s first birthday. It was free of sugars and sweeteners and made with cherry chantilly, blueberries and vanilla and lime sponge cake. The chef already warned in The Anthill: “I will never give my daughter industrial pastries, ultra-processed foods, or foods with additives. She doesn’t turn her nose up at anything. Having said that, Laia eats everything, of course. I make her Russian red shrimp fillets, candied hake cheeks, low-temperature pork cheeks… You see her eat and you flip out.”
