“María José has stopped looking at their faces”

This Wednesday, Bethlehem Esteban has given an exclusive in a swimsuit in which she has not only shown her disappointment for the Campos sisters. She also She has spoken about Jesulín de Ubrique and Toño Sanchis, the people who according to her “have done the most harm” to her in her life. The second has a pending criminal trial in 2025 for the “400,000 euros plus costs” that his former representative “still” owes him.

And about the father of her daughter, she said in Week: “I have to thank him for putting everything aside and allowing me to give my daughter the education I wanted.I may not have been the best mother in the world, but I must have done something right to have the wonderful daughter I have. I have no relationship with Jesus. I send him WhatsApp messages because we have a person in common and he never answers. Does he know what his daughter is studying? Does he know where his daughter lives?“.

In As if we were ShhhThe People’s Princess has also claimed that María José Campanario’s husband did not financially care for his daughter when she decided to study in London after coming of age in 2017: “His lawyer told him that since he had decided to study abroad, he had no right to pay him. He continues to give him his pension, but the studies…”he regretted.

And he said: “He knows what he wants to know, which is this [haciendo el gesto del dinero con la mano]He doesn’t even know what he’s studying.. And I don’t want to talk more because… The thing is that people don’t know anything and I keep quiet a lot because of that person. Because they don’t let me.” It should be remembered that Andrea put some distance between herself and the media to get away from her parents and to train outside of Spain. Today she is in the United States, where she receives visits from Belén and Miguel Marcos whenever she has the chance.

On the other hand, the woman from Paracuellos also had some words for María José Campanario. As she has always said, she assures that there is part of the Ubrique clan that is interested in her as well as her daughter.There are many people who think they don’t love me, but they love me a lot. Me and the other person. Jesulín knows it and María José has stopped looking at them in the face.”.

About the bullfighter and the dentist, who celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary with the arrival of little Hugo into the world in June 2022, she also says: “It’s not such a happy marriage”.

Another topic that has been talked about for some time is the bullfighter’s possible memoirs or his television series. In this regard, Belén has made a blunt statement: “They told me he’s going to write his memoirs… Let him write them. But I can tell you that he doesn’t talk about me or that person. He says it’s so that I don’t get any attention. He thinks I’m still here because I’m his ex. I have been Belén Esteban for many years. I have earned the years I have been on television.“.
