the name and surname of the Catalan (nutritionist and surfer) with whom he is having fun this summer

Summer offers a lot of things, especially if you have a good budget and free time to give and give away.. This Monday we saw Victoria Federica with her mother, the Infanta Elena, enjoying the celebration of the Spanish Men’s Football Team in Madrid and even taking photos with the European champions. A sporting event that the granddaughter of Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía enjoyed between trip and trip, party and party.

And between trip and trip, party and party, Vic also has time to dedicate all his love and affection to special friends, both men and women.So much so that in recent days there has been talk of a young Catalan businessman with whom he is believed to have great complicity. Adrià Cruz is his name, as Lorena Vázquez said this Tuesday in Public mirror.

“Let’s remember this name. He is a Catalan entrepreneur, handsome, attractive and she has been seen very close to this guy. There were no kisses or caresses in public, but it is not the first time that they have been seen maintaining a special friendship,” said the journalist. “Victoria Federica recently travelled to Girona to be with him and they were seen walking and enjoying a day together,” added Vázquez. We have already collected some details of the party they recently enjoyed in Catalan lands.

Adrià Cruz has an open Instagram account and has more than 17,000 followers. His profile photo (second image above) already shows one of his great passions: surfing. The entrepreneur, as he defines himself, is in love with the sea and sport. A nutritionist, good nutrition is what drives him: “Be quiet, work hard, stay healthy” is one of his mottos. B3TTER FOODS is the platform he works on. He founded it with friends and has almost 50,000 followers on the social network of posturing.

The bullfighter Gonzalo Caballero and the DJ Jorge Bárcenas have been in Vic’s heart, her two most consolidated relationships to date. She broke up with the latter in mid-2022 after about three years together. Since then, she has been linked to other young people such as her great friend Roca Rey, Álex Recort or the pilot Albert Arenas.
