TVE ‘nationalises’ David Broncano in the first official announcement of his signing: “He belongs to everyone now”

TVE took advantage of the broadcast of the Spain-France match to promote the signing of David Broncano, who from September will be in charge of presenting La 1’s prime time access show, in direct competition with Pablo Motos (Antena 3) and Carlos Latre (Telecinco). He did so through a commentary that Juan Carlos Rivero repeated on two occasions during the Eurocup semi-final, a match that was a huge ratings success.

“We can now announce that David Broncano will be joining RTVE starting in September”announced the announcer, thus making official the landing of the showman in the Corporation, a move that was announced by Informalia in February. His hiring triggered a tremendous internal war at TVE, until his signing went ahead a few months ago.

“Every night, from Monday to Thursday, after the news, a comedy programme with great guests, on La 1 and RTVE”Rivero added. “Broncano belongs to everyone now”said the announcer. “The Spanish team belongs to everyone”added the journalist, taking advantage of the expectation before a match – 11.5 million viewers on average – that gave Spain the pass to the final of the European Championship after defeating France 2-1.

As we said, the signing of Broncano is the most talked about and controversial move by TVE in recent months. His signing caused a strong controversy within the public channel, with dismissals included. However, the public channel had not yet made any official mention of the arrival of the comedian. The interim president, Concepción Cascajosa, did so when she was asked in Congress. Even Broncano, through some allusions to this subject in the last TVE programmes, The resistance on Movistar.
