The lawyer for Edwin Arrieta’s family charges against the defense of Daniel Sancho: “We are not going to allow it”

There are 26 days left until the trial for the death of Edwin Arrieta and both his lawyers and those of Daniel Sancho, the confessed author of the events, finalize their strategies before traveling to Thailand. The team of Marcos García Monteshired by Rodolfo Sancho in Spain to support his son’s defense in Koh PanGhan, he has prepared a list of 50 witnesses to testify, among whom are Daniel’s ex-girlfriend, his father, a psychiatrist and the lawyer Carmen Balfagon, as an expert. The Spanish lawyer for the Arrieta family has cried out: “We are not going to allow any irregularities in the procedure.”

Beatriz Uriarte was forceful this Thursday on Ana Rosa’s program: “They are going to bring witnesses to try to show that the Thai police report is wrong. We are not going as lawyers but as trusted people, which is why our lawyers from Thailand are investigating if the people who are presenting Daniel Sancho’s defense have a work visa, because no one can go to Thailand to act as an expert if there is no work visa and they want to enter as a tourist,” he explained. “If you go as an expert, you have to prove that you have a work visa. If you don’t have one, we will prevent these statements from taking place. A psychiatrist could not testify, a lawyer intends to declare, who would have to have his visa.”

The lawyer has also given her opinion on Sancho’s line of defense, which states that the murder was not premeditated but accidental and that the chef bought the knives and saws hours before Edwin Arrieta’s death to cook: “What has to prevail in trials is common sense, I’m not going to Thailand to buy knives to make daiquiris with the coconuts I find.”

Finally, he has reiterated his position regarding the sentence that they will request for Daniel Sancho: “It has never come out of our mouths that we are going to request the death penalty, but rather what the prosecutor deems. As a co-accusation we cannot request penalties, the one imposed will be the one the family adheres to. Even in the case of the death penalty, I doubt it will be carried out, it will be easy for it to be commuted to permanent imprisonment. I estimate he will be in Thailand for eight or ten years.”
