Carlo Costanzia and Alejandra Rubio exchange the shopping center for a house: this was their reunion after the media storm

The son of Sea Flowers and of Terelu Campos They are determined to fight for their relationship. After a very complicated week, Carlo Costanzia y Alejandra Rubio They met last Sunday late in the afternoon, their first date after being caught in a shopping center where they kissed each other.

On this occasion, Carlo and Alejandra were much more discreet and met at the house where the Italian's dog lives after his ex-girlfriend, Jeimy, kicked him out of the apartment where they lived together. According to TardeAR, they talked about their situation, about all the information that has come to light these days and they made the decision to move forward together despite everything. They also claim that there are images of the appointment and that they will come to light in a few days.

Hours before the meeting, the model, who has a telematic bracelet for two convictions and sleeps in a social reintegration center, moved to this home early on Sunday and was walking his pet in a nearby park. There he responded to journalists about the statements of his ex-girlfriend, who called him unfaithful and manipulative between tears: “If I had to cry, I would fill the reservoirs”said the actor.

An incipient romance

Carlo and Alejandra have become the stars of the week after starring on one of the covers of the tabloid press. Their date in a shopping center in the capital revealed an unexpected romantic relationship that, according to them, began just a few days ago. Costanzia's ex-girlfriend, however, has doubts: “I won't be kissing like that with a guy in a few days.”

Jeimy had a one-year relationship with Mar Flores' son, with whom she lived in Madrid, until January 23, when she kicked him out of the house: “I discovered some messages on the computer where they were renting an AirBnb to spend a weekend with friends and Carlo said 'Bring girls, we're going to enjoy it.' It was the last straw for the young woman from Tarragona: “she humiliated me and hurt me a lot.” The fight between them ended with the police in the apartment and Jeimy in the hospital due to an anxiety attack: “I don't want to know anything about him.”
