Silvia Bronchalo's lawyer attacks Rodolfo Sancho and speaks of “continued abuse” unrelated to the discrepancies over Daniel

The complaint of Silvia Bronchalo a Rodolfo Sancho for “insults and humiliation” has been one of the most surprising news of the day. The protagonists are silent for the moment but the businesswoman's lawyer has taken a television tour this Friday afternoon to provide new details to the news, some unexpected: “The origin of this does not come from alleged discrepancies over the defense of his son Daniel.”

Weeks ago we published that the relationship between Silvia Bronchalo and Rodolfo Sancho was quite tense. The situation of their son, far from uniting them, has marked an unbridgeable distance between them, since each one proposes the defense and strategy of their first-born in very different ways: his more aggressive on a legal level, hers more submissive and affable. with the Thai system. However Carolina CastroBronchalo's lawyer, denies that her client's complaint against the actor is related to these discrepancies: “She is in a delicate moment. This has nothing to do with the son, he is alien and on the sidelines”has revealed.

He also states that there is more material than what they have presented in the lawsuit, he talks about a crime of “continued abuse” and assures that they are looking for the 'mole' who leaked the information, since it was not Bronchalo's intention for this to “come to the media.” However, he has authorized his lawyer to tour the television sets this Friday to give details of the lawsuit when Sancho has not even received notification of it.

Discrepancies in the case of Daniel Sancho

Castro has also indicated that although they collaborate with the office of Marcos García Montes in the defense of Daniel Sancho, they do not participate in the final decisions: “He has different legal teams and each lawyer has certain ways of understanding or seeing things, but it is not something from Rodolfo or Silvia. We are not advising Daniel. We only collaborate and contribute what is asked of us,” he said in TardeAR. “We are there when we are required to give legal opinions, but we are not the ones who make decisions or execute anything.”

It must be remembered that it was Daniel himself who signed powers of attorney in Thailand to authorize his father to make all legal decisions on his behalf, denying it to his mother. She appealed but the will of her son, an adult, was firm. Since then, it is Rodolfo who looks after the young man's interests with two teams of highly prestigious Spanish lawyers: the Marcos García Montes office and the Balfagón-Chipirrás office.
