Carla Barber compares the before and after of her face after her aesthetic treatments: “I am 14 years younger”

Carla Barber (33) He has been dedicated to aesthetic medicine since he was 25 years old. Since then, the doctor has also indulged in her own treatments to get the occasional touch-up. By showing an image of her, her before her and after her on the small screen, the influencer has also received several comments about how much her face has changed in these years.

“I see you prettier in the before,” said journalist Marta Robles when they showed the doctor's change in Public mirror. For his part, Barber has pointed out that the first photograph corresponds to when she was younger: “I'm 14 years younger and maybe that's why you see me better. My treatments do have reversibility, if there is something you don't like, it can be removed.”he assured.

Regarding the type of clients she has at the clinic, the aesthetic medicine expert has stated that 95% are women. “They need a boost of self-esteem and to look better, they are women who are beginning to care about themselves, and this is something that helps. Looking and feeling good helps you relate better to others“, he said.

Carla Barber has explained that aesthetic medicine is expensive. However, she has highlighted that there are aesthetic centers on every corner. “I don't earn the million, we are many people working and many families depend on it”he pointed out.
