Ana Obregón finds a strategy to whiten her image: laugh at the Government of Pedro Sánchez

It hasn't been an easy start to the year for Ana Obregon. The public image of the presenter is not going through its best moment after being portrayed by reluctantly admitting that she did not donate to the Aless Lequio Foundation neither the exclusives nor the benefits of the book The Shrew Boy, contrary to what she herself had announced. She was identified by the newspaper archives, the trace of her own social networks, the videos from the television archives and above all by her own explanations that were told due to contradictions.

The nuances of Ana herself denying the evidence ended up scandalizing Alessandro Lequio, vice president of the Foundation, who could not help but express his indignation. The Italian defended loud and clear the cleaning of the accounts of the admirable non-profit organization established to finance cancer research, which bears the name of his son, accounts that no one had questioned, on the other hand . On the contrary, the image of the Foundation has been a victim of Obregón: Lequio could not help but become publicly angry at the reputational damage that has been done to the Foundation due to its president, allergic to the word transparency, as necessary as it is required.

Ana Obregon Not only has she not shown until now a single document that supports her supposed contributions, but she went so far as to state that she had never said what we all heard (and read), she clarified that those of us who had understood that she would hand over everything obtained from the sale of the book The Shrew Boy that she was referring only to the copyright, and not to the large advances, and justified her change of mind by saying that she had “a mouth to feed”, or that she had stopped working to take care of her granddaughter, when she had gone too far. the previous year repeating that the emotional and material future of his granddaughter was assured because their economic position and property situation were more than comfortable. She even went so far as to declare on Antena 3 that she was no longer going to give any more money from her posados ​​and that her exclusive money would go to little Ana Sandra Lequio Obregón.

The reality (the data) shows that Ana Obregón has barely donated 1% of the four million given by a good person, a generous millionaire, who came from Lequio through a lawyer friend, the same one who looks after the crystalline beads of the Foundation, pristine, without blemish. Thanks to those four million euros, two of them in cash, The non-profit organization has its headquarters in the center of the capital, another property in Madrid and, above all, admirable projects are carried out. Is Ana Obregon who wears all the medals, who appears with the giant posters of the checks before the press and who repeated to the public that he dedicates hours, a large part of his day to day, to the Foundation. But it has not been the amounts she has donated (nor her mother's purse that she auctioned) that have been her significant contributions.

In 2023 she surprised everyone with her unusual surrogate motherhood. The biologist justified the decision to bring a creature into the world by explaining that she acts following the script written by her son, who died in May 2020 with the alleged desire, according to his mother, to be a father even after death, even if it was not with a woman. that I would have loved. Her other wishes were the book and the Foundation.

Obregón maintains that his daughter is actually his granddaughter. Ana Sandra Lequio She was conceived thanks to a surrogate mother, a Cuban who lent her body for money, and gave birth to the girl in a Miami hospital. An egg from an unknown donor, presumably fertilized with Aless Lequio's semen, was placed in her womb. Later, Ana Obregón sold several interviews and posed photos to Hola magazine to tell her version of her story.

The national debate was of such intensity that it polarized not only public opinion in endless debates in all types of media, including radio, television and social networks, but it also reached Parliament and settled in the heated ring of politics. No political party with parliamentary representation defends paid surrogacy, that is, with a mother who charges for selling her body to facilitate conception.

Ana Obregón's revenge consisted of attacking politicians. “They're so busy putting sexual offenders out on the streets,” she said. The host He regretted the lack of State aid for cancer research already in the presentation of the Aless Lequio Foundation. And in statements to different media, he left no stone unturned. And even less so when it comes to the current Government, which he attacks for not being in favor of surrogacy. This Friday he did not miss the opportunity to show his support for a video in which the entire Government is ridiculed: the president and his ministers.

The actress and creator of 'Ana and the Seven' has liked a fake video that circulates through the networks in which Pedro Sánchez gives nicknames to all his ministers. Artificial intelligence has managed to put the voice of the President of the Government to some images of a council of ministers to ridicule all of them, both Sánchez and, above all, all the members of his Government, since, in the mouth of the president, They all have nicknames: Pocahontas, Dwarf, Beggar, Gañán, Torrente, Atomic Ant, Harry Potter, Tofu, Toucan Yolican, the Piruja witch, Chiqui, Repellent child Vicente hillbilly of Dos de Mayo, Balas vágame Dios, la That and the Appointment. There are several occasions in which Ana Obregón has been very critical of Pedro Sánchez and his Government. She even accused them of promote the controversy of her motherhood to use it as “a smokescreen for their bungling.” “I was in Miami and I didn't know anything, I didn't want to know anything. My sisters told me that I had arrived in Congress. And I told them this is a smokescreen. They all the bungling of the law of only yes is yes, all the botched things they do, what if Puigdemont's thing here, what if it's there. “He has been wonderful to you,” he told Ana Rosa Quintana In an interview. Other times, from her social networks, the biologist has directly addressed the President of the Government with expressions such as: “What a shame, Pedro Sánchez!” or “What a fabric, Pedrito!”. In recent times Ana Obregón has made great opposition to Pedro Sánchez. “Although many celebrities remain silent, I am not going to remain silent,” she has warned the Government, establishing herself as the standard bearer of the famous to try to remove Sánchez from Moncloa. That is why she has joined the trend of attacking and ridiculing Government ministers, even supporting a video in which they are all nicknamed.

What is the joke that Obregón supports?

Pocahontas (Ana Redondo, Minister of Equality), Enano (Pablo Bustinduy, Minister of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030), Beggar (Ernest Urtasun, Minister of Culture), Gañán (Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry and Tourism), Torrente ( Óscar Puente, Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility), Atomic Ant (Margarita Robles, Minister of Defense), Harry Potter (José Manuel Albares, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation), Tofu (Teresa Ribero, third and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge), Tucán Yolican the Piruja witch (Yolanda Díaz, second vice president and minister of Labor and Social Economy), Chiqui (first vice president and Minister of Finance), Repellent child Vicente, hillbilly from Dos de Mayo (Feliz Bolaños, Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts), Balas válgame Dios (Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Minister of the Interior), Esa (Pilar Alegría, Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports), the Prior appointment (José Luis Escrivá, Minister of Digital Transformation and Public Service
