68% of Catalans are in favor of Catalonia hosting F1, according to the CEO


68% of Catalans are in favor of Barcelona and Catalonia hosting sporting events such as Formula 1, while 6% disagree or strongly disagree, and 23% neither agree nor disagree, according to a survey by the Center d'Estudis d'Opinió de la Generalitat (CEO).

This is clear from the CEO's third Omnibus survey of 2023, carried out on September 29 and November 30, with a random sample of 2,162 adults residing in Catalonia (1,868 responded online and 294 on paper), and with a margin error, explained the CEO director, Jordi Muñoz, at a press conference this Wednesday.

Regarding the Vuelta Ciclista de España in Barcelona and Catalonia, 62% are in favor of hosting it, 10% are against and 25% neither agree nor disagree.

Furthermore, 58% agree with hosting the Copa América, 10% against and 29% neither in favor nor against.

Due to the sympathy of political parties, the ERC respondents are the most in favor of Formula 1 (79%), followed by those from the PSC (75%) and Junts (74%), and those who are most against it. They are the supporters of the CUP (28%) and the Comuns (16%).