Informalia announced exclusively that the actress has not contributed to the Aless Lequio Foundation with the funds from her exclusives or the book so far. The boy with the shrews. This controversy is fueled again by Alessandro Lequio. Obregón has confessed to Pepe del Real that “only” she and Alessandro have access to the Foundation's accounts. A detail that has been categorically denied by Lequio on Telecinco: “It's not true, the only ones who have access to the accounts are the treasurer and Ana. Period.” The Italian, Vice president of the foundation, he stands up and disassociates himself from the decisions his ex has made regarding the money he has donated or has not donated.
Lequio has been shown without filters: “One thing is Ana Obregón and another thing is the Foundation, they are two totally different things. The Foundation works, its funds are more than clear, and another thing is Ana Obregón and her publicly acquired commitments.” The Italian has gone further by putting his hand in the fire for the foundation that bears his son's name, but he does not like this with his ex's accounts: “Do not confuse the Foundation with Ana Obregón, they are two different things, completely different. The Foundation is very clear, crystalline“.
In his speech at We'll seehas settled: “The desires and wills of each person are their own, that does not mean that the Foundation is not working, it is working wonderfully well. Thank God we are receiving money, thank God we can help people who have this unfortunate illness. Whether it has given or has not given, the Foundation continues to function, it is more than enough.
“The most striking thing is Ana's silence”
Lequio's argument has been clear: “Ana Obregón, on the one hand, and the foundation on the other. They have nothing to do with each other. Ana's publicly acquired commitment regarding the exclusives she made has nothing to do with the Foundation“.
Antonio Montero has explained in This is life that he contacted the foundation, through a contact person: “He didn't answer me for four days, then he said that he was on vacation and that I should contact another contact… Today they answered me but with the statement. Are they such intimate questions? That statement is not enough for me, that's why I say don't consider us idiots.“. Gema Fernández commented that the actress “puts her phone on airplane mode when she is with the girl, that she is fine, with a clear conscience”; and she concluded with a resounding: “The most striking thing is Ana's silence.”