After South Alabama’s 59-10 win during the 68 Ventures Bowl, there is a fight on the field.
South Alabama and Eastern Michigan got into a fight during the game, which led to a short but ugly fight after the 68 Ventures Bowl during Hancock Whitney Stadium on Saturday.
The Jaguars beat the Eagles 59–10, and there was at least one big fight on the South Alabama bench after a play in the second quarter.
When the game was over, Eastern Michigan’s Korey Hernandez seemed to rush over and punch South Alabama’s Jamarrien Burt in his head behind the ears while the Jaguars were facing the band that was marching in the stands and singing the school’s anthem.
A player at Eastern Michigan “strongly” criticized the “completely unacceptable” actions of another player who sucker hit a South Alabama player in the back of the helmet. This led to a fight after the 68 Ventures Bowl on Saturday night.
This happened in Mobile, Alabama, and was caught on video on social media. It shows Eastern Michigan defensive back Korey Hernandez’s case running across the field and punching South Alabama safety Jamarrien Burt in the center of the helmet while Burt was facing the stands for his old school after the Jaguars’ 59-10 win.
Some players from both teams got into a fight, which meant they had to be separated and taken to their own dressing rooms.
“We are very upset and ashamed about what happened,” said Eastern Michigan’s sports director, Scott Wetherbee, in an email Sunday.
It’s clear that some EMU football players did something wrong during the ugly event that happened after the final game of the 68 Ventures Bowl.
“Their behavior doesn’t show how proud we are of our sport and our program, or how high we expect student athletes to be in terms of good sportsmanship and behavior on and off the field.”
What took place was totally wrong. We’re sorry to everyone at Eastern Michigan University and to the South Alabama band and their fans.
Wetherbee said that he and Eagles coach Kirk Creighton have both told South Alabama’s sports director Joel Erdmann or coach Kane Wommack they’re sorry.
Wetherbee said that he and James Smith, the president of Eastern Michigan, have talked to Jon Steinbrecher, the commissioner of the MAC, and are “committed to working together to investigate the incident.”
Eastern Michigan “took ownership of the incident” and reached out to “apologize and assure us they will fully look into the matter,” Erdmann said in a statement. South Alabama was “grateful” for this.
The 68 Ventures Bowl was played on Saturday, and South Alabama beat Eastern Michigan 59–10. The game wasn’t close for long.
This led to a huge fight on the field, where far more Eastern Michigan players came to protect their friends. The guys from South Alabama replied by doing the same thing.
When the Jaguars won, they sang their fight song on their home field in Mobile to celebrate. After the game, an Eagles player ran onto the turf and punched Jaguars safety Jamarrien Burt in the back of the head.
Police and coaches tried to stop the fight, but it spread across the field and wouldn’t stop for a while. On Saturday night along with Sunday morning, videos of the event went popular on social media.
The exact cause of the fight is unknown. Chris Creighton, the coach of Eastern Michigan, also didn’t know how the fight started, but he did say that he thought the Eagles were ashamed by what they played.
Creighton told On3 that he “didn’t see things happen.” “But I knew what had just happened was very serious.” After the game, we had a great, long talk in the changing room.
We want to always be first-class, no matter what is going on, what the score is, or what other people, things, or situations are involved. And anything less than first-class is not up to the Eastern Michigan football standard.”