Carmen Borrego can't take it anymore with Bigote Arrocet: “May it go very well, gentleman”

Arrocet Mustache has appeared again this Wednesday, this time in Public mirror (Antenna 3). The comedian insisted: “The only thing I have done is speak well of Teresita. The rest, whatever they say.” Of course, he has stressed that neither Terelu Campos in Carmen Borrego They went to see her at home during the time they lived together in the famous mansion of Molino de la Hoz.

Borrego, tired of listening to him either on a set or in a magazine, responded from Telecinco: “Merry Christmas, happy New Year and may you do well, gentleman. See you later,” she said on Sandra Barneda's program, with a face very serious and looking at camera. She doesn't want to know anything about him.

Mustache's words

“I have never spoken badly about Teresita, I have only told the truth, that when Teresita stopped working they were not going to see her mother,” she reiterated on Susanna Griso's program. And she has emphasized: “The daughters were not going to see their mother, I only told the truth”.

And he said about the Malaga communicator: “She was the comedian. She was ten thousand times funnier than me. Plus, you know what it's like to spend whole days together.” Regarding whether the matriarch of the Campos clan supported him financially, he added: “We recorded an album together that I paid for and all that is not said, I don't care, I have a clear conscience“.

About Barbara Rey

The comedian has also spoken about one of the topics of the moment, that of Bárbara Rey and her son's accusations against her. It must be remembered that both were related a few years ago, although they have been accused of being montages for faking a relationship: “Montage, why? For what reason?” “I invite you to lunch one day and if there is a photographer, they tell me that you are with me.”

He has insisted that their friendship began in the sixties and that there was nothing more between them. About Ángel Cristo Jr. he has said: “I stopped seeing him since I was eight years old”. However, he says that he can't get it into his head that he is now coming out with these attacks on her mother, whom he accuses of being the real nightmare of her childhood. “It's a question that makes no sense. I've never seen bad vibes”.

At the same time, Edmundo recalled the confrontation between María Teresa and Barbara herself: “I lived with Teresita for six years. He told me that he had had a trial with Barbara and that Barbara won it.”