Felipe VI's injury to his left hand persists: will he undergo surgery?

The injury of Philip VI in the scaphoid of his left hand it persists. A crack that was made last October, when for the first time we saw that he was wearing a “preventive bandage”, as we were informed from Casa Real. A white bandage that he wore at all the events he attended since then until Oviedo, at the end of that month. At the Princess of Asturias Awards the monarch wore a different, black bandage. This injury, which was expected to heal naturally, is still ongoing. Now the doctors assisting him are studying the possibility of him undergoing surgery.. An operation (it would be the first) that according to Mariangel Alcázar could be planned for next week. Above photo of Casa Real: the monarch with Abdullah of Jordan, whom he received this Tuesday the 12th at the Palacio de la Zarzuela in Madrid. Both sovereigns held a working lunch.

The King's scaphoid injury was treated from the first moment by immobilizing the wrist with the splint. The scaphoid is a bone found in the thumb area of ​​the hand; It is the first bone of the first row of the carpus whose function is to link the two rows of bones of the hand. Associated symptoms are pain and swelling in the wrist and thumb, decreased strength, and pain when applying pressure to the area. An x-ray or MRI can determine the injury.

One of the most common causes of a scaphoid fissure is playing sports. Don Felipe was injured while playing paddle tennis; When he fell from it, he leaned on his left hand, which began to cause him discomfort. If this operation is carried out next week, it would coincide with the recording of the Christmas speech, which will be broadcast on December 24, Alcázar commented in We'll see.