The lawyer José María del Nido Benavente, former president of Sevilla FC and aspiring to return to his presidency, stated this Friday that he and his collaborators will continue “in the battle until they recover the position” that he believes “corresponds” to them within the Seville club.
“I am calm and confident. We will continue in the battle until we recover the position that corresponds to us,” Del Nido declared to La Sexta, knowing that the Commercial Court No. 2 has rejected the precautionary measures that he had requested to vote in the next General Meeting of Shareholders of Sevilla FC.
“Right now we all have to be with the team and there are moments in the match where discontent with the Board of Directors can be shown, but we have to support the team because Sunday's victory seems essential to me due to the few points we have,” He added, alluding to Sevilla's great setback.

Looking ahead to the imminent General Meeting of Shareholders, Del Nido was optimistic. “We are going to try to beat our own record of actions in order to prove publicly, and also for subsequent judicial actions, that we have enough capital so that the capital that supports the Council does not even come close to us,” he concluded.