After talking about sensitive topics like her depression, Gloria Camilla has vented again with his Instagram followers. Of course, on this occasion the daughter of Jose Ortega Cano y Rocío Jurado has revealed how she found out that she was adopted.
The influencer acknowledges that it has “always” been “hard” for her to talk about her adoption with José Fernando. However, after a long period of therapy, the young woman managed to put the pieces together to accept her story. “Until I started serious therapy, I didn’t understand what was happening to me, or that sensitivity I had,” has advanced.
“I have been suffering for a long time about this. I am always being criticized for adoption, it has always been painted as something bad, negative, but I see it as something positive,” added the television collaborator, who arrived in Spain in the year 1999: “I don’t know why we are in an orphanage, why we were up for adoption.”
The sister of Rocio Carrasco He did not learn of his origins from his parents, but at school. However, little by little he managed to get the idea of reality. He had never talked to his family about this topic, but that doesn’t mean that he loves them like anyone else.
“People like me, who have lived in an orphanage and a family comes that wants to give us love and shelter, when they adopt us, we see it as something positive because it is like a new life,” he said. For her, her “only family” is the one that has “loved and cared for her.”