the father has reacted this Thursday to a photograph that has been circulating for two days on social networks and in which she appears without her usual bangs. The Catalan artist, who has faced numerous ridicule for this image, has clarified that it is “edited” and that precisely because of her physique she was bullied at school, which has left its mark over time.
The young woman, 24 years old, has defended herself against this situation through a tweet. “She is editing an edited image of me, I recommend that if you are going to judge something, it should be something real. “Also tell you that they bullied me at school because of that and from there a big insecurity was created in me,” she said. Today the singer feels “safe.” However, she believes that it is not necessary to “manipulate” with Instant malice from other people.
The former contestant of Triumph operation He has received hundreds of messages of support. More than a million people have seen her response on Twitter, and 18,000 have hit the ‘like’ button. There are those who have advised him not to pay attention to this type of comments, while others have apologized for having participated in the lynching.
An edited image of mine is being circulated, I recommend that if you are going to judge something, it should be something real.
I can also tell you that I was bullied at school for that reason and from there a great insecurity was created in me.
I feel safe today, but do not manipulate images— ?itana (@Aitanax) November 23, 2023
This is not the first time that the young woman has spoken about the abuse she suffered as a teenager. When she was at music school, before entering Triumph operationthey messed with her. “They stuck gum in my hair, I have never told you this, they also talked about whether I had lice or not, then people didn’t get as close to me,” he said in an interview for Nude Project.
“I told my mother: ‘I don’t want to go,’ and my mother told me ‘You have to go. Why don’t you want to go?’. I didn’t say anything to her either. And, suddenly, my mother washed my hair and He told me: ‘Aitana, you have a piece of gum in your hair’ and I said ‘Oh, I don’t know, I must have stuck it to myself,'” explained Sebastián Yatra’s girlfriend, who He has “always” tried to “please people.”