Cayetano Martínez de Irujo, very angry at the Latin Grammy cocktail party

The Duke of Arjona is always current and not only because he is a grandee of Spain and the fifth of the six children of the Duchess of Alba. These days, Genoveva Casanova He has taken refuge in his palace in San Sebastián in the middle of the media hurricane due to the photos with Frederick of Denmark. The situation bothers Cayetano Martínez de Irujo, concerned about the health and well-being of the mother of his children, to the point of having asked the media not to involve him in this story. The atmosphere this Thursday was relaxed and festive, but he could not escape his headaches and appeared very angry in one of the groups at the cocktail party prior to the Latin Grammys that were held in Seville. This Thursday we approached the aristocrat, who was commenting with his companions “I’m going to break his face…”

We do not know who the brother was referring to. Eugenia Martínez de Irujo because it has several open fronts. The last, as we said, the delicate situation of Genoveva Casanova, who called him to ask him for refuge in the Arabaizena palace, in San Sebastián. The Mexican traveled there with her dogs when she was notified that the photos of her with the crown prince of Denmark were going to be published and she was there until she was discovered by some paparazzi, who immortalized her in the surroundings of Cayetano’s property. Martínez de Irujo. Afterwards, she decided to take a plane and leave Spain. Destination: London, where her children live. Her entourage assures that stress is taking its toll on Genoveva, barely recovered from a pulmonary embolism suffered last summer, and that both her doctor and her psychologist have recommended that she completely isolate herself until the storm passes.

Cayetano is very upset by the situation and tries to ignore it when he is asked about it: “It doesn’t concern me”. This is what the magazine put it in quotes Week, who received a visit from the duke shortly after, very upset by the fact that his response was published without authorization: “He showed up at the headquarters, the security people did not let him pass because of how they saw him,” revealed the director of the publication, Jorge Borrajo. “We can all lose our nerves.”

And Genoveva’s situation is not the only problem that Cayetano faces these days. The Ministry of the Environment is investigating alleged illegal wells on one of the farms managed by the Martínez de Irujo family, an alleged irregularity that the Duke of Arjona tried to solve without success due to the lack of collaboration from his brothers: “Let them talk, let them give face. If they know what they are talking about. Let them talk and show their face, because in life you have to show your face,” he said very angry about the subject. “Now what, Eugenia and Alfonso? Now what happens with our wells? Because of course, if the Prosecutor’s Office asks for a bond and seals those wells, I imagine they will put it up. Or if a fine comes. They are defending themselves but the thing “She’s very screwed.”