Infanta Cristina imposes the ‘family cordon’ between Ainhoa ​​Armentia and her children

With everything that Cristina has swallowed, with those photos of her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin, walking hand in hand with his girlfriend, Ainhoa ​​Armentia, on the beach of Bidart, with all that display of images of this passionate courtship, The princess has said enough. Enough when it comes to her children. For them, whatever. For this reason, the daughter of the emeritus Kings is not willing for her four offspring to maintain a formal relationship with Ainhoa. He would even have imposed a family cordon So why reinforce that distance with the Vitorian lawyer, according to The Digital Confidential.

Infanta Cristina has extended her impasse permanently vital. Some days ago Readings published that Felipe VI’s sister persists in her refusal to give Iñaki a divorce because she does not want to see his wedding with Ainhoa. Her children enter this equation, whom she adores and for whom the former Duchess of Palma would do anything. It does not appear in her plans that they formalize and normalize a family relationship with the Vitorian. And this would be one of the compelling reasons that would have prompted Cristina to put the brakes on the divorce process. Complicated to understand this marriage that they both maintain fictitiously sine the and that leads to nothing. A circumstance that also prevents both of them from turning the page and rebuilding their lives.

Cristina’s great support, in addition to her sister Elena and her mother Sofía, is Don Juan Carlos. Both father and daughter saw each other at Leonor’s 18th birthday party in El Pardo. In this Bourbon conclave, the emeritus was able to share time and conversation with Cristina, who is going through a very complicated personal moment. So much so that the aforementioned digital report suggests that the infanta tries to avoid any contact between her children and the lawyer.