The actor Arnold Schwarzenegger76 years old, faces a lawsuit filed by a cyclist who reports of being involved in a traffic accident last February on the streets of Los Angeles. The woman accuses the former governor of California of “excessive speed” and “lack of adequate vision.”
The cyclist points out that the accident It occurred on West Los Angeles Street. Schwarzenegger’s bicycle collided with her when it veered out of its lane, as reported TMZ.
The interpreter, who was driving his SUV, He didn’t get away in time. Likewise, after the car, he accompanied the woman to a local store to have the bicycle repaired, showing concern for her state of health.
The citizen, however, He claims to have suffered serious injuries. Police authorities state that there are no suspicions that the artist has committed any crime in relation to the accident. In fact, according to his investigations, he did not even exceed the speed limit, as indicated in the lawsuit.