Intense day of information on the case of Dani Alves, accused of raping a young woman last December in a nightclub. This Monday the complete statement of the alleged victim and a piece of information that could give a twist to the procedural situation of the former footballer came to light: “No one wants this trial to happen.”
The judicial procedure against Dani Alves, who faces twelve years in prison, was scheduled to begin next December. However, the work of the Brazilian’s defense could bear fruit: “No one is sure if this trial will be held, I would venture to say.” They could reach a prior agreement of conformity. Because it is not going to be an easy trial for anyone, not even for her,” said Mayka Navarro in TardeAR.
The events date back to December 30, 2022, when Alves was enjoying a party with friends at a well-known nightclub. There he had an encounter with a young woman that, according to him, was completely consensual. The statement from the young woman, 23, makes the hair stand on end: “He sat down and I started to tell him: ‘I have to go, I have to go.’ He lifted my dress and made me sit on top of him.” him. I remember telling him: ‘I can’t’. And he started telling me a lot of things. He insisted that I had to tell him that I was his little whore and from that moment on I remember resisting. He pulled up my dress and made me sit on top of him. “. And he continues: “He hurt my knee and I was left with a wound… He tried to get me to perform fellatio on him. I kept moving away from him all the time, until he grabbed me by the neck and started slapping me.”
The footballer has been in provisional prison in Brians 2 prison for 10 months. Her ex-wife, one of her staunchest supporters, has now turned her back on him and accuses him of having used her and their children together. Meanwhile, his wife, Joana Sanz, has paralyzed the divorce proceedings that she began after announcing her breakup with Alves.