Letizia recycles a ‘made in Spain’ dress from 2021: from Mallorca to Tenerife

The queen has once again shown that recycling is fashionable by rescuing from her dressing room a design that she debuted two years ago. It was this Tuesday in Tenerife, where the kings went to show their support after the fires that devastated the island this summer. Hours after visiting the Chipeque viewpoint and the town of Santa Úrsula, Mrs. Letizia has changed her ‘casual outfit’ for a gala one at the Adán Martín Auditorium.

This is a set signed by Galcon Studio, a Spanish brand born in 2021, the year in which Doña Letizia debuted her model. It was the closing of the Atla?ntida Mallorca Film Fest in Palma. On this occasion she has copied the outfit, a two-piece consisting of a draped skirt at the waist with a central opening and a sleeveless top with a dropped neckline. She has completed it with clutch suede in the same navy tone and slingback pumps kitten whole in Magrit gold.

On this occasion, the queen has rescued from her jewelry box some Pertegaz earrings that she already debuted at the last edition of the Princess of Girona Awards: creoles that feature a double ring, one made of gold-plated steel and the other with crystal.

As we said, the visit of the kings to Tenerife is a nod of support to the islanders, who experienced the worst fire in recent decades last August. The forest disaster started on August 15 and was declared under control on September 11. By then the flames had devoured 14,000 hectares in 12 municipalities. The October heat wave, which shook the Canary Islands, reactivated the most vulnerable points due to the lack of humidity. This Tuesday, Felipe VI and Letizia will meet at the Adán Martín Auditorium in Santa Cruz with the volunteers, staff, official schools and other personnel who have participated and collaborated in the tasks of extinguishing the devastating fire. They will also be accompanied by the president of the Government of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, and by the acting Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles.