The gesture of ‘El Cordobés’ that leaves Ana Rosa on the verge of tears: “It’s over”

Manuel Diaz She cut her ponytail last weekend after three decades in the ring and this Wednesday she told Ana Rosa Quintana how he lived those last moments in the square. Furthermore, El Cordobés has had a nice detail with his boss by giving her one of the tassels that adorned his latest costume of lights: “I want to give it to you in gratitude for who you are, and you were always one of the people who believed in my word, and you don’t know how important it is that in those moments someone believed me and you did. And that’s it, it’s over,” he said to an emotional Ana Rosa. “No, it’s over, Manuel, this has just begun,” she responded. “I’ll keep it in a very special place.”

The bullfighter was able to fulfill his dream of finishing his career under the proud gaze of his father, with whom he hugged for the first time a few months ago: “This is a culmination. Life, what you dream of… if you fight for it, you get it. “That children we do not ask to be born, they bring us. Any child that comes into this world is through an act of love. That everything has a reason.”

It was Manuel Benítez, precisely at the express wish of his son, who cut the bullfighter’s ponytail before the eyes of his wife, Virginia Troconis, and his children, Alba, Manuel and Triana: “I see the gaze of my children, that of my woman. I see my son Manuel who tells me ‘Not one more’ and you see how important you are to them. All this has made me important to some people, who are my family.” And he reveals: “There is a moment in this whole story when I am left alone in my room after finishing this stage of my life. I tell my wife and children to get out because I needed to be alone. I started alone and ended up alone.”

Now, Manuel Díaz begins a new stage: “Today I feel like a happy, loved man, respected by people and grateful to life because it has given me much more than I expected.”