At 81 years old, Irene of Greece suffers memory leaks. In Zarzuela, where he lives with his sister, the Queen Sofia (84), receives the greatest attention and care so that cognitive deterioration takes the least toll on him.
“The evil of forgetting has erased his memories. Childhood and youth, and even the faces of loved ones,” María Nikolaou advances in Readings.
According to the journalist, Felipe VI’s mother was the first to notice her sister’s memory problems: “She was the first to notice her cognitive deterioration, she did not remember a date, she forgot the name of her interlocutor and, perhaps, as in similar cases, he thought they were age-related mistakes”.
As soon as these problems became evident, in the Royal House “everyone, without fissures, turned to her.” “Zarzuela right now is a sanctuary, a refuge for Irene, everything revolves around her to achieve privacy, well-being and tranquility.”
Two of Irene de Grecia’s last public appearances took place in January, when she attended the funeral of her brother Constantine with the rest of her family, and this summer in Palma, during the traditional summer holidays. On both occasions, her family showed special attention to her with very careful details so that she did not feel alone at any time. Details that then went somewhat unnoticed but that, now, after learning about her health problems, take on another meaning.