Analysis of Leonor’s writing: “She has an extroverted, emotional personality and a predisposition for action”

Leonor’s writing in the Book of Honor, after her Flag oath in Zaragoza, has also been the subject of analysis. This is the result.

With the solemn ceremony, in the Parade Ground of the General Military Academy of Zaragoza, the Princess has signed her commitment to military obligations and to the constitutional order. We saw the heiress with a firm step, a self-confident look, mature, strong and constant. There is a lot of work, perseverance and determination behind each image that the jury has left us.

After the ceremony, Leonor signed the Book of Honor. In Mornings have analyzed their type of “linked” writing, “a skill of people with argumentative abilities.” It has also been commented that she has “a small font, typical of people who do not want to attract excessive attention.” Furthermore, they have pointed out that their lyrics “denote an effort to make others understand them. A careful handwriting, typical of organized and detail-oriented people.” Her writing, “leaning from left to right”, projects “an extroverted, emotional personality with a predisposition for action”, they have highlighted in the program.