Paz Padilla mistakenly leaks Miguel Ángel Silvestre’s new romance: he is caught in a musical in a very affectionate attitude

Social networks allow us to uncover the most exclusive intimacies of people. celebrities. In this case, the person in charge of leaking a supposed new romance Miguel Ángel Silvestre has been Paz Padilla. The presenter shared a video of a musical on her Instagram profile, where the audience could be seen enjoying the performance. Among the attendees: the actor Miguel Ángel Silvestre in a very affectionate attitude with a young businesswoman.

As can be seen in the video, the protagonist of Without tits there is no paradise He was sitting on a sofa together with a mysterious girl. Likewise, visibly relaxed, the actor placed one of his hands on the legs of his new romance.

The young woman is Rebeca Toribio, a young 29-year-old Valencian businesswoman. Rebeca, who has a healthy food restaurant in Madrid, is cataloged by the magazine Forbes as one of the most influential people under 30 years of age in Spain.

The businesswoman had already been part of Miguel Ángel Silvestre’s followers for years. Likewise, the actor’s ‘likes’ on the young woman’s publications were a constant. As Socialité has stated, Miguel Ángel also follows the professional account of the Valencian businesswoman.