After the death of Maria Teresa Campos On September 5 at the age of 82, there has been rumors about an exclusive bombshell from his last partner, Arrocet Mustache, at the worst moment of the Campos sisters. And, indeed, it has already arrived.
The Chilean comedian has thrown miles against Have him y Carmen Borrego in an exclusive for Ten minutes which is published this Wednesday: “In six years Terelu went to María Teresa’s house ten times and Carmen didn’t even do that.” Among the bombshell headlines that the comedian throws out in his interview: “Teresa wanted to get married to leave me a pension”, “Whenever we went on a trip I paid for everything”, “Teresa’s jealousy was distancing the relationship” or “Not only was I night caretaker, he solved all the problems in the house.
On the set of Ana Rosa Quintana, where this Tuesday they announced the cover, they called Edmundo an “unscrupulous” person for launching “ruthless” attacks against the Campos clan just a month after the death of the unforgettable Malaga communicator , who died at the age of 82 after a year marked by his worsening health.
Hours before finding out the Arrocet headlines in her exclusive, Carmen Borrego has launched devastating sentences against him: “[Bigote] “It’s the worst thing that happened to my mother in her life,” he said this Tuesday on Joaquín Prat’s morning show. “It hurt her a lot. He caught my mother in a very weak moment and my mother did not feel supported by him. “I don’t think he has anything bad to say about my mother because she has always been fantastic with him.”