A Isabel Pantoja He fell in love this weekend at La Cartuja in Seville but in front of only 6,000 people. A figure that was little if we take into account that in 2017 she gathered 12,000 people in the same venue. Furthermore, not all the space in the stadium was made available for her. For example, Manuel Carrasco It is capable of gathering up to 70,000 people in the same place.
Beyond the debate generated by the number of attendees, in the life of the tonadillera there are always numerous aspects open at the same time and this time it was not going to be any less. Without going further, Kiko Rivera He spoke about her again this weekend in an interview on YouTube.
Among other pearls, he has revealed what he told her when he no longer wanted to know anything more about her: “I love you, mom, but you don’t do me any good and I don’t want to know anything about you. I hope it goes great for you and you can come see children whenever you want. The two had a rapprochement a few months ago after the DJ’s latest health scare, but in the end everything came to nothing. In his interview in The Wild Project, Kiko also regretted having lived under strict control from his mother during his childhood and adolescence: prohibitions on going out at night, going to clubs or even to the movies. Those prohibitions were of little use to her…
Despite these controversies that cloud the return to the stage of the singer of sailor of lightsan unexpected defender has also emerged: Gloria Camilla, who attended the artist’s concert in the capital of Seville. At the doors of La Cartuja, the young woman (friend of One Pantoja) regretted that the singer’s relatives missed this show, since she does not have in this earthly life the person she loves most in this world. Despite the artistic rivalry between Pantoja and Rocío JuradoGloria Camila feels great admiration for Isabel. To Caesar what is Caesar’s.

Not only Kiko Rivera was missing, as expected, from this concert, but also her sister, Isa Pi. The young woman, who marries Asraf Beno On October 13, she said on Telecinco that she considered going but ultimately saw it as unnecessary because she had not had a prior conversation with her. He even asked for tickets to attend. The one who did come was the unwavering support of Isabel, his niece. Anabelwho wrote on Instagram: “It’s incredible what I continue to experience when I see you. I still don’t know where you get all that you have inside to spend almost 4 hours giving away art. I love you forever.”