Is called Theyrayut Chinais the highest authority on the island (Big Jokeresponsible for the investigation of the crime of Edwin Arrieta, is number two in the organization chart) and has been in charge of listening to the statements of daniel sancho after his entry into the Koh Samui prison. This Tuesday the first of their conversations has come to light.
They assure that the magistrate wanted to transmit tranquility to the Spaniard, assuring that “they would explain the process and operation of the Thai system at all times”, a practice they carry out with all foreign prisoners. Daniel listened to the judge’s explanations and only asked him one question: “I wanted to know if the days that I spent in preventive detention would be subtracted from those of the final sentence”they affirm.
It’s been 22 days since Daniel entered prison. The last eight years he has received a visit from his mother, Silvia Bronchalo, who moved to the island once his son finished isolation due to the covid protocol. He comes daily and they see each other for 15-20 minutes, always separated by a glass. In the last 48 hours, Silvia has brought clothes, books, personal hygiene products and money to the jail so that Daniel can buy food in the small internal supermarket. It is expected that her father, Rodolfo Sanchomoves to the end of the week and finally meets his son, whom he has only been able to see through a video call since he pleaded guilty to the murder of Arrieta on August 7.