Pedro Sánchez, caught on vacation in Marrakech with his wife and daughters: the president’s video

Pedro Sánchez traveled to Morocco this Tuesday to spend a few days on vacation with his family. The acting President of the Government has traveled on a commercial airliner to the Marrakech airport to rest with his wife and his two daughters before starting the new political course.

It is a “strictly private” trip, according to the Moncloa sources, who emphasize that it has been “entirely paid for with own resources” by the Prime Minister and in which no institutional agenda is contemplated. Of course, it has been confirmed that the PSOE general secretary has been surrounded by strong security measures at all times.

Initially, it was speculated that Sánchez would go to Lanzarote, to the royal residence of La Mareta, and it is not ruled out that he visits it. The acting Executive has remained in Madrid until this Tuesday.

In a video published by the Moroccan newspaper Rue 20 You can see a walk by the Chief Executive with his wife and daughters through the Jemaa El-Fna square in Marrakech and the surrounding markets amid strict security measures. The acting president wears a white cap and sunglasses, while his wife and his daughters wear suspenders. The daytime temperature in the Moroccan city is around 40 degrees.

Sánchez has been accompanied by an important delegation that has stopped at his residence, located in one of the luxurious hotels in the Red City, always according to the aforementioned media.

The President of the Government began his vacation this Tuesday after he recorded a video this Monday at the PSOE headquarters in Ferraz in which he hoped to find sufficient support to achieve an investiture that would allow him to “continue advancing” for another four years.