María Teresa Campos will participate in her tribute next fall: all the details

We have new information about the public tribute that the Campos are preparing for her mother. Now it is known that the program, which is scheduled to be broadcast from October, will have the participation of its brand new protagonist: the great communicator Maria Teresa Campos.

This new information gives more clues about the content of this very special tribute that his daughter announced a month ago Carmen Borregoswho was his right hand for years in the mythical Day to day of Mediaset, according to what is published by Lecturas.

In addition, it has also transcended where and what production company is going to do it. Will be on Telecinco and by the hand of Quartza company that currently produces many of the contents for the chain.

Tribute to 40 years of profession

It will be very difficult to summarize everything that the woman from Malaga has contributed to Spanish television for four decades, but surely thanks to the professionalism shown by Borrego, who will be in charge of directing the tribute program, we will be able to enjoy a good summary of everything that the communicator has achieved since in 1986 she began to appear on the screens as a hermid girl. Moment, from which, little by little, she was emerging as the queen of the mornings who occupied the throne for so long, first on TVE, then on Telecinco and also on Antena Tres.

Your current status

Its protagonist, who will finally appear in the tribute, is currently away from the spotlight in a flat very close to that of Have himto which he changed only two years ago, and in which a very quiet life. So much so that today he prefers to receive visitors at her house instead of going out on the street, something that until recently he loved to do with her. your driver Gustavo.
