Alba Carrillo calls Bertín a “troglodyte” and confesses that she “wanted” to be talked about: “Being a father is more than paying”

The future fatherhood of Bertin Osborne con Gabriela Guillen It has been the topic of the moment for two weeks in the world of Heart. The last to comment on it has been Alba Carrillowho has acknowledged “not supporting” the ranchera singer.

“I can’t stand him. I was wishing, not wishing that this would happen to him, but that he would talk about it because he is a person who has never been able to talk about him,” said the model at an event this Wednesday.

“When i was at survivors made a Your place or mine con Feliciano Lopez and go two troglodytes, ‘unga, unga, in the cabin’. I have sentenced him”, added the daughter of Lucia Pariente before the microphones of Europa Press.

Alba has also questioned the father facet of the presenter. “His children go to mine’s school and I have never seen him in a meeting, only at a Christmas party. What all the parents say is that he is not expected. Being a father is much more than paying, but how many parents there would not be. A father is upbringing, being there when your child’s teeth come out, that seems tremendous to me. “

Alba, against Bertín on his Twitch channel

Carrillo has been comfortable talking about Bertín Osborne also in the tea roomthe program that he broadcasts through Twitch: “I know a lot about Bertín, but I have always kept quiet about it because in the former glorious chain, current sad chain, (Telecinco) they have a love for him that you can’t see and they had the information withheld from us.”

“He is an archaic man who smells like a troglodyte and is the most rancid thing that can be seen. He is macho to the point of not being able to. Go home and retire because, even if you look very young, you already have your years. (…) You don’t even have to go to dinner with these types of guys. Then, they are super rats. Their money is for them, for their cigars, for the bulls and for their things. Not these men,” he affirmed.