Gabriela Guillén, pregnant with Bertín Osborne, goes to the hospital for severe abdominal pain: “They have given her medical leave”

The problems accumulate for the singer. And it is that in just two weeks he has starred in two media bombs: his upcoming fatherhood at 69 and the statements of his ex, Chabeli Navarro, who accuses him of having convinced her to have an abortion when they were together. Some shocking statements that have not only affected Bertin Osborne (who has already announced legal measures) but also Gabriela, who has ended up in the hospital.

The Paraguayan, in her fourth month of pregnancy, has been carrying a lot of stress since the news of her pregnancy came to light and Chabeli’s statements have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. According to Telecinco, Gabriela was at home when she began to feel severe abdominal pain. “She thought about calling an ambulance, but she didn’t want to alarm anyone and this morning she went to the hospital on her own feet,” said her friend Raquel Arias. Finally, everything has been a scare: “They have told him that stress can cause these cramps and they have given him medical leave. He cannot work, he must calm down and rest.”

A scare that Bertín, taking refuge in his Sevillian farm, knew nothing about: “Gabriela did not call him. At this time, she does not want to know anything about anyone.” Arias affirms that her friend is very surprised by Chabeli’s statements: “The comparisons hurt her a lot. Her relationship with Bertín was much more serious and longer. She has also shown that she has no financial interest in all this because she has always spoken for free.”