Chabeli Navarro stands up to Bertín after the lawsuit notice: “I’m not afraid of him”

From the creators of ‘Father at 69’ comes ‘I wasn’t at 67 because I didn’t want to’. the interview of Chabeli Navarro assuring that he lost a son of Bertin Osborne in 2021 because he convinced her to have an abortion has made the singer angry, who has already sent a statement announcing legal measures. She has responded emphatically: “I’m not afraid”.

Bertín Osborne’s lawyers have branded the young woman’s statements as “false” and claim to have documentation to prove “the lies” poured out by Chabeli. She assures that she is not afraid of anything they can do and that, despite the reactions that her exclusive has generated, she is not sorry: “It’s an important step that I’ve taken and I’m glad I did it”he said on Antena 3.

The former suitor of Women, men and viceversa He had an affair with Osborne in 2021, just after the artist announced his separation from Fabiola Martínez, mother of his two youngest children. “I was pregnant with Bertín and he convinced me to have an abortion. I feel identified with Gabriela. She has been very brave, I was not. I felt judged and I was afraid.”

Chabeli signed an affidavit

And that the latest information does not favor the young woman’s position at all. According to José Antonio Avilés, when Chabeli became pregnant, she signed an affidavit before a notary in which she assured that she did not know who the father of the child she was expecting was. “Neither was she alone for Bertín, nor was Bertín for her,” said the journalist.