The most wanted graphic document of 2023: Dani Alves and his video statement during the trial

“When we went into the bathroom, we were facing each other, and she kissed me and started taking off my pants,” he says. Dani Alves in court” And she adds: “Neither in the private room nor in the bathroom, she never told me to stop any action, no caress, no dance or any approach… neither she nor her friends. No one can say that she had one pushy attitude (…) if a person doesn’t want to, then nothing happens and that’s how it was.”

These are the most forceful sentences that the soccer player makes during several hours of statements in court and that this Tuesday have been issued for the first time on Telecinco. But also, Alves pleads not guilty by explaining that “I was simply an accomplice of the desire that she had or of the desire that I had”.

Alves recreates the scene in the trial

The Brazilian details his version in court giving all the details: “I went out to the private room, went to my position, then she came out, I suppose she was angry with my attitude… she greeted my friend and no, she didn’t say goodbye to me” . “But in the private room or the bathroom, she told me to stop,” he insists.

Regarding his leaving the club, another controversial point in the alleged rape story, the player explains: “We always left guarded by security and at a fast pace to avoid any crowd at the exit… and I didn’t see her, I didn’t I saw at the exit”.

In April they already had their footprints

It is important to put this last statement, which corresponds to the month of April, into context, since it differs from the previous ones because already at that moment the midfielder currently in pretrial detention was aware that the police had found his DNA and fingerprints both at the scene of the alleged rape and on the body of the girl who accuses him.