Bertín and Gabriela’s baby comes with two loaves under his arm: exclusive separately

They are estranged, the model has already said, so much so that they have even decided to speak to the press separately about the baby they are expecting at the end of the year. Bertin Osborne y Gabriela Guillen They have made statements to different media since the news of their future paternity was made public, but several aces were kept up their sleeves to give the soap opera more chapters. Next Wednesday they will share an exclusive cover. Of course, separately, because they have not wanted to do a joint interview.

We already anticipated this Thursday that the physiotherapist had looked for a representative to help her move in this world and she has already signed her first exclusive. She will see the light in five days and in it, among other things, she will confirm the sex of the baby she is expecting and that the gynecologist has confirmed this Friday. Bertín, for his part, has also spoken with his leading magazine to grant some exclusive statements in parallel to those of the model, with whom he will share the cover. That is to say: a baby, two parents, two exclusives, two checks.

A contradictory fact considering that both have stated that they feel saturated by the media interest that the news of their upcoming paternity has generated. She, in fact, has stated on several occasions in the last 48 hours that she wanted to keep her profile low and live her pregnancy away from all this noise. From saying to doing… Well, that, because in the first interview that Gabriela has given, she has already told everything: how she found out about the pregnancy, how she told Bertín, what she thinks about her family and about Fabiola, to whom accuses of having contributed to the current one with Osborne.

He, for his part, has taken refuge in his Sevillian farm and there he has received visits from his daughters and grandchildren. Also that of numerous media. The commotion has caused Bertín to call the police: “A patrol with two agents arrived first and a few seconds later another patrol with two other agents of the National Police. Bertín has called the police to evict us from the door of his house ” , they have counted on Telecinco.
