The Assembly of the FEB supports a budget increase exercise in the farewell to Jorge Garbajosa


The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) has approved this Saturday the balance of the past course and the roadmap for the 2023-24 financial year, all in the farewell as president of Jorge Garbajosa after seven years of management and before to assume the presidency of FIBA ​​Europe.

Held at the NH Eurobuilding Hotel in Madrid, the Assembly began with the presentation, by Garbajosa, of a balance report for 2022, a year “marked by economic solvency, budget increase and sporting successes”. According to the federative head of state, the increase in sponsoring firms has allowed a budget of 27 million euros to be reached.

In addition, Garbajosa highlighted the role of the men’s and women’s teams in their different categories and praised the growth of the FEB Competitions, the Spanish Championships and 3×3 basketball. The Assembly unanimously supported the balance presented and the proposals to change the different competition bases of the FEB Leagues, as well as their corresponding game calendars.

Finally, the Assembly renewed Fernando Sequeira as president and Gilberto Pérez as judge in the different Competition Committees, incorporating judge Pilar Abad Pascual in turn.

Garbajosa addressed the Assembly for the last time as president. “The Assembly has always been the most important day of the year for me, but on this occasion it reaches a very special dimension or meaning for two essential reasons: because it is the year of the centenary of the FEB and because it is my last Assembly, since next August I will resign as president of the FEB to dedicate myself fully to the management of FIBA ​​Europe. A resignation that will lead to the opening of the process for the election of a new president,” he said.

In addition, he was happy to have “achieved” the “challenge” of “reaching the centenary year as the best federation in the world.” “The best sports results in history, the solvency and economic stability and the commitment and loyalty of our sponsors, have allowed us to achieve the greatest possible prestige and reputation and exercise clear national and international leadership. And all this thanks to the work and dedication collaboration of all levels: the clubs, the regional federations, our partners and sponsors, and, of course, the players, coaches and referees.But we must not settle, we must look to the future with the utmost ambition to continue growing “, he indicated.

Finally, he stressed that they have had “a notable increase in resources and a balanced budget.” “We have gone from a budget of around 16 million and generating a deficit, to the current 27 million after a four-year cycle with a surplus. In sports, the data is even more meritorious than the economic ones, because today the men’s team leads the FIBA ​​world ranking is ahead of the USA and the women’s team leads the European ranking. And what to say about the training teams, what happened last summer was something that even in a dream would have seemed exaggerated”, he concluded.