The audios of Carlo Costanzia, son of Mar Flores, come to light: “We will all agree to sink this son of a great p…”

The protagonist of Toy Boy He is “emotionally very bad” after being sentenced to 21 months in prison for a crime of continued fraud related to the sale of luxury cars. His defense insists on presenting him as another victim of the alleged ringleader of the plot, RBM, with the same sentence as that of Charles Costanziaand this Thursday some audios have been made public that reinforce the theory of the son of sea ​​flowers: “I have found myself in a bigger thing than I expected”.

These are recordings broadcast on it’s already noon that the actor sent to some of the victims of his former partner and in which he tries to reassure them: “My lawyer is working on it and we will all agree to sink this son of a big p… I have also found myself in a bigger thing than I thought. The only thing I wanted was to show my father that I could have my earnings with one thing, “says Carlo, who insists that he is working as much as possible to fix things: “I’ve been talking to my father and my lawyers, and everything. They’re waiting to see how to resolve the situation. For my part, don’t worry because the money that has to be returned to you will be returned to you without any problem and We’re going to fix everything.”

In addition, Carlo confesses that he is also a victim of RBM, which, as we anticipated this Wednesday, he has sued. “I have messed with the wrong person in all this and everything is going to be resolved because I am a guy of my word and I repeat I was completely oblivious to everything and this guy also owes me a lot of money.”

Criminal record

The son of Mar Flores has taken refuge these days in the house that his mother has in Madrid while she fulfills her professional commitments in Ibiza. His environment affirms that he is “psychically very bad”, since he is waiting for the judge’s decision to go to prison while her team works at full throttle to avoid it.

The situation is complicated for Carlo, since the young man already has a criminal record. The model spent the night during the month of October 2022 in a prison after being stopped at a traffic control. In November he was granted a third degree regime with a telematics bracelet that he has worn ever since and which requires him to be located by the authorities at all times.
