Belén Esteban ‘premieres’ work after finishing ‘Save me’: there is life beyond Netflix

bethlehem esteban will continue in the traveling version that Netflix prepares with the eight most emblematic collaborators of Save me, after it ended its broadcasts on Friday June 23 after fourteen years on the air. But television is not the only facet that the people’s princess will continue to exploit, as she is very invested in her company of gazpachos, salmorejos and potatoes.

So much so that Andrea Janeiro’s mother frequently promotes her products on social media. On May 26, in addition, she presented her traditional gazpacho in the center of Madrid, now in cardboard format.

This Tuesday, on Instagram, he posted a video posing with one of his ‘Sabores de la Esteban’ trucks in the background. In another, she appears on the truck. She is so involved in the business side of her that she tries to be present throughout the production and distribution chain.

At least, he wants to be aware of everything that is going on with his gazpachos and if he has to go into truck mode on the networks, then he does. Belén is very excited about her brand. It is the great legacy that she wants to leave her daughter. She has already revealed that Andreita wants to “change the name of ‘Sabores de la Esteban'”. Although it will not be so easy: “I tell him ‘You are not going to change anything,'” she confessed.

Apart from her dedication to the company, for Belén her gastronomic products are a great escape valve after the end of the program that has saved her life. This summer, even if I smile, it will not be entirely easy.
