The National Police thoroughly investigates the “accidental” and solitary death of Mari Carmen and her dolls

Mari Carmen and her dolls He died this Thursday, June 15, in the Canary Islands after a spectacular fall down the stairs of his villa in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife. But, has his death been simply the result of a domestic accident?

To rule out any other scenario, such as a alleged robbery or a push after a heated discussion, for example, the National Police He has set to work to investigate all the details of the humorist’s death and end up certifying her unexpected and casual death at her own home.

The police analyze his fall

On May 4, he turned 80 years old. And just a month and a half later, she has died after several blows from falling down the stairs of her house, where she lived completely alone. She had many projects left in the pipeline, unfortunately:

Among his plans for the future was the publication of a memoir, in which he was going to tell in two volumes many secrets about his personal and professional career. On the other hand, he had already written the script for forbidden to laugh, a film made with animation and real images. It was going to start shooting in the next few months…
