“The cloud of hormones and love” by Cristina Pedroche about to premiere as mommy

Cristina Pedroche is the spitting image of happiness. One month before her daughter is born, the collaborator of zapping She has not hesitated to show off her maternity silhouette.

There are only four weeks left for the birth of her daughter, and the star of La Sexta can’t wait any longer. “I have a little month left. I am already prepared, full and very happy. I really want to see her face. I love her, I am in a cloud of hormones and love,” she admits with a laugh with the illusion that characterizes a mother first time

The presenter has boasted of pregnancy with an original jumpsuit with an asymmetrical neckline and fringes in klein blue from Capriche in the Atresmedia presentation. “Since I started working at La Sexta in 2010, I’ve grown with them. I couldn’t be more proud of what they do,” she says openly, thus showing that she shares the values ​​and ideas of her colleagues. .

As we know, Pedroche’s looks are designed to the smallest detail, and this time, they were not going to be less. To support what has always been her team, the journalist opts for wearing her hair up with a bow, natural makeup and high-heeled sandals.

Her good face is a symptom of the pleasant weather she is doing in Madrid, since the heat typical of the month of June is giving her a break in the final stretch of her pregnancy. “Time is behaving well. I’m not suffering much from the heat. In other words, the ups and downs that pregnant women have, just like that,” she admits with a smile.

However, as is normal in any pregnancy, Pedroche confesses that the only thing that has gone wrong in recent months is fatigue. “I am a person who gets up and wants to produce, work and do a thousand things. So, sometimes, feeling that I am going from bed to the sofa is difficult for me. Also, I am very aware of my body and if it asks me to be in the sofa, I’ll go to the sofa”, she confesses while awaiting the birth of her first daughter.