Víctor Francos takes office this Friday as president of the CSD


The lawyer Víctor Francos Díaz will take office as president of the Higher Sports Council (CSD) to replace José Manuel Franco this Friday (11:00 am) at the Council headquarters in Madrid, in an act chaired by the Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta.

Víctor Francos takes over from José Manuel Franco, who ceases at his own request to lead the PSOE list in the Congress of Deputies in the next general elections on 23J, as approved at its meeting on Tuesday by the Council of Ministers.

Since March 30, 2021 and to date, Víctor Francos has been the Secretary General for Culture and Sports of the Ministry of Culture and Sports. He has a degree in Law, with an extraordinary degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​and a Postgraduate in Advanced European Legal Studies (UAB). Since his beginnings in working life, he has carried out the practice of law.

He has also carried out university research (2002-2004), as well as directive, managerial and coordination tasks of cabinets and teams in different areas of public administration. Thus, he was director of Parliamentary Relations of the Presidency of the Generalitat (2006-2010) and advisor to the Barcelona Provincial Council (2015-2016).

He has also been director of the Vallès Technology Park (2018-2019) and director of Institutional Relations and Corporate Communication of the Barcelona Free Zone Consortium (2019-2020).
He has held the post of Director of the Cabinet of the Minister of Health and has been Secretary of State for Territorial Policy and Public Function.

José Manuel Franco, who came to office in March 2021 to replace Irene Lozano, ceases to head the PSOE list for the Senate, according to the legal portal Iusport and confirmed last Saturday on his official Twitter account.

“Thanks to my colleagues from the PSOE of Madrid and from the PSOE and our general secretary, Pedro Sánchez, for trusting me to lead the candidacy for the Senate. I am proud to defend our vocation of social and economic transformation at the service of the Spanish people and of the best Spain”, he said.