Alaska turns 60 ‘watching life go by’: “I have no plans. Not to continue, not to stop, not anything”

This Wednesday Alaska He turns 60, an age at which he can already say that he has been on stage for more than half of his life. Horror in the Hypermarket, Dancing or, more recently party in hell o Spectacular are already hits that, after the indisputable Happy Birthday, they sound at any self-respecting celebration or party. Mary of Oblivion Gara take advantage of this special date to reflect on his personal and professional life, but above all to learn about his vision for the future.

First of all, all your fans can be happy and calm. To the question that they ask you from Vanity Fair about his Professional futureThe Mexican responds emphatically: “I have no plans. Not to continue, not to stop, not anything.”

“I have lived 40 years without thinking about labels and I am a little fed up that now everything is left or right”

Among the many other questions raised in the interview, the singer who emerged during the legendary Madrid scene answers no hot pads to something with which, apparently, she has always been ambiguous: her political affinities. the leader of fangoria clarifies that she is neither right-wing nor progressive: “I don’t want to keep anything. And look, I’m like an antiques dealer, and everything that has already existed seems wonderful to me. But it’s not my goal in life. I’m not a left-wing lady either Alaska is Alaska.” “I have lived 40 years without thinking about labels and I am a little fed up that now everything is left or right.”

With regard to her impeccable and provocative artistic career, Alaska also has a clear answer to a description that has always accompanied her, that of gay muse. “I am a fag. But that is very unfair, because there will be a lot of gays who don’t like me. (…) Nowadays, when everything is talked about, there are radical gays on the right, on the left, apolitical, who like hard rock. It’s absurd to think that people like a type of music because of their sexual orientation. We should start to get over it.”

“The nonsense that Mario is gay is getting a little tired. So what are you calling me? Poor wretch?”

Your husband’s sexual orientation It is a subject that pursues her husband, almost since he began to be famous. For this reason, in this interview, Alaska steps forward and responds emphatically: “The nonsense that Mario is gay is getting a little tired. As a joke, okay? (…) There comes a time when you ask yourself: So “What are you calling me? Poor wretch? I’ll settle for nothing?” I don’t mind if you ask me the first time, but if you insist I’ll fuck you. And we are already reaching that point. Like Fernando Fernán Gómez, another great idol. But I don’t have the character of him.”

Forgot; his mother, América, and Mario

And, as it could not be less, the artist has been asked about tricky issues related to the Madrid scenewhich remains in the memory for being a transcendent cultural movement that marked a before and after in the country, but also for being linked, in some way, to the boom of the hard drugs in Spain.

In this regard, he explains “Everyone has empathy towards certain substances. Mine is food. My relationship with it is addictive. I understand the role of drugs in my environment. But I have never been fascinated by horse , not cocaine, not joints. Or alcohol. When they say to me: “Well, it’s just that it’s been super-cool, what? strong!”… I didn’t like them. For those who like them, there are drugs that expand mental expansion and they are wonderful. The problem is how each one chooses to face it”.
